In the past bone awls, stone, antler and wood wedges, stone axes and adzes, bone chisels, and beaver incisors were used. We have found stone axes and adzes (woodworking tools), stone and antler wedges, bone awls, bone chisels at ancient ...
You can visualize the scene - two or three men (never more, or they impede each other) at work, shaping the stem and paring them with adzes. Like all the old hand instru?ments, scythe, plane or axe, the adze evokes from its operator a ...
With the skeletons are pottery vessels, mussel-shell spoons, L-shaped pipes, bone needles, beads, and fish hooks, flint arrowheads, stone adze blades, and effigy forms. The mound itself, originally crescent-shaped, with the points ...